Sunday, January 29, 2006

Good evening kids....

guess what all, we have a new reader, my cousin Kimbo, WELCOME TO MY WORLD KIMBO!!!!!!

great to have a new reader..

welp, on to the rotten and not so rotten stuff... first, as i told everyone, and as my luck goes all the time, i am unable to get my vehicle, so no mustang in my future it looks like....

and my rented laptop took a dump on me, i had been having problems with it charging for the last week or so, and had mentioned it to the rental place on the last two payment dates, so saturday i told them i wanted it fixed, or want a new one, and guess what, no dice, so i was told by them that i would get a call as soon as they could find me a loaner, well, i got it home and installed my new cellular internet access card in it, and after a little while it just shut off, no display at all, lots of pretty lights, but lights dont help me if i cant see anything, so... chrissy and myself went to best buy, and by george, we filled out a credit app to get a new laptop, and was denied, so by golly we just outright bought the darn thing, and this is one SWEET laptop, a new gateway (i used to not care much for the old gateways, but i think they are about as good as anyone else anymore, but dont tell chrissy), anyway, i got her all set up today and last night, and it works really well, and i REALLY like the widescreen display, i am glad chrissy chose the gateway instead of the toshiba i had looked at...

so, anyway, the rented laptop and rented camcorder are going back tomorrow, if i cant get service as promised then they get none of my money!!!!

anyway, i am supposed to get my new work truck brought to midland next week, so maybe soon i will be out of rufus and into "redbull", a red condo sleeper volvo, with a 500 horsepower detroit series 60 engine, this thing is nice from what little i have got to play with it on my two visits to it....

bout all the new news i have for now.....

see ya later kids!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

welp, its time.....

ok Ken fans, check this out, so me and chrissy go out on the town tonight, and i decide to run to see our friend at the used car place, and low and behold i find my car, now, as most of you know, ken has wanted a mustange for a long time, but really didnt care that much for cars, till he set in this baby.....

now, open that link and you will see the car i am going to TRY to get next week...., i hope i can swing it, .. i think with chrissy's help i can swing it, payments will not be a problem, might be a problem with buying toys for ..oh, say.. 70 months, but hell, least i will have a good little car.... you guys and girls keep your fingers crossed!!!!

see you kids next week, hopefully from the pilots seat of a new mustange, or maybe a mitsubishi spyder....

later all, have a great day, and a better tomorrow!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Good Morning World....

welp, here we are again in bloger world, and welcome again to my ranting page...

well, i finally did it, i filled up my xm-radio family plan, i got one of the neet delphy roady xt, this thing is tiny, and has a lot of really col features, i think i like it even better than my jensen i put in the big truck, dont have as much info on screen as the jensen, but it has really neat back light colors, and i think the fm-modulator sounds even better, and seems to have a little stronger transmitter, so now i have an xm for james, chrissy, my pickup, my shop and my big truck... what do you think guys, you think i am xm- crazy?

lets see, the first is $9.99 a month, and each of the others are $6.99 a month.. thats what about $37.95 a month.... hahahahaha, but what better way to blow $40 bucks a month... oh, and i also got a new sony handycam, 8mm digital cam-corder, but its only rented, like my laptop.. thank goodness for rent-a-center, now i have a decent laptop, and cam-corder, and a washer and dryer... and at $80 bucks a week that shit better be fun... probably going to play with the cam for a few week then take it back though... and probably going to cut off at least one of the xm's, chrissy didnt really sound enthused when i told her i had gotten a cam and a new xm... but heck, long as my job holds out i can EASILY afford it....lets figure this up real quick....ok, rentals come to about $80 bucks a week, 4 weeks in the month, thats about $320 a month, and $37.50 a month for everyones xm.. brings me to $357.50... sounds like a lot.. but you figure i make around $800 to $1000 gross every week, thats about 900 average, over 4 weeks is what.. bout $3600 a month(oh shit, thats over $40,000 a year!!!)... now, i have $3600 minus the $357.50, and minus the $360.00 for child support.. thats $2882.50... and take out taxes, thats still leaves me with a decent little chunk of change to go to harbor freight with... hahahahahahahahah.... REMEMBER.. this is "Ken's WAY OF THE WORLD" not yours, i dont have to be reasonable or make any inkling of logic.. so after taxes and shit i probably clear over 2 g's a month or so... so i think i can afford a car payment up to about another $350 or $400 a month.. dont you?

sounds like its time for ken to start looking at new vehicles... hehehehe.... mustang may have to be in my future... can you carry a bunch of tools in a mustang?

dont know yet but might be fun to find out.... maybe i better stick with a pickup, and just get one with a bigger cab, and an automatic tranny... ha!

have a great day everyone, see you kids next time!

Monday, January 02, 2006

here we are again....

hi Ken fans, long time for updates... there has been a lot happen since my last update, first is that i am the only tanker driver with my company now, the others are eather burned, or ill with some sort of problem, the one guy, we will call him will, not his real name, got burned over 13% of his body in a flash fire while cleaning out a heater treater, and the other guy, we will call hum bugsy, cause he looks like an old school mobster, on thanksgiving day he was found passed out in his truck on a drilling site, and stayed in the I.C.U. for several weeks before they could get him awake, and he will probably never drive a truck again....

i got one of my "friends" down here that i went to truck driving school with his name is Robert Dimon, and he turned out to be a very slow worker, and a very dangerous driver, he knew nothing and cared nothing about taking care of the equipment at all...." if i break it he will just buy another one" was his point of view on most everything, so after spending money to get him to Odessa, and carting his ass back and forth to work, and feeding, housing, and supporting him for two weeks, he finally lost his job because he could not take care of the equipment properly, and he spend almost 2 weeks learning a job it took me 2 days to learn.. so, if Robert ever tries to get a job driving a truck where you are....well, BE CAREFUL!

on the lighter side i had a great christmas, got lots of cool stuff, and had enough money to be able to give a little to my big bro and his family, i sure wish i could have given him more.. he has done so much for me....
and i gave chrissy a really nice watch, it was not what i had ordered her, i have still not gotten the ordered items in yet, i think the lady i ordered it from may have just taken my money, almost 200 bucks, it was a very beautiful set of diamond ear rings for chrissy, but i got her a purple face watch, her fav coler, with only one diamond on the face, it sure looks good on her, i hope she likes it, it pailes in comparison to what she get me... man, i made a haul... hahahahaha.. i got a set of 1-inch sockets for my really big impact wrench, an auto darkening welding helmet, that has made welding fun again... it is really cool, it had blue flames on it, and to top it all off i got a $50.00 gift card to Harbor freight, HTTP://WWW.HARBORFREIGHT.COM
and got me a 14 inch cutoff saw i had been looking at... james got me and chrissy a web cam, mine is really fancy, it will track you around the room, and it has little addons to your pic like on yahoo messenger you can add things like glasses, and horns and you can amke yourself an avatar, and it will make the avatar move with your movements.. its really cool, but i think chriss' we cam has an actual better picture than mine!!!!

on the sad side of things.. i have not gotten to see brian at all for christmas, so i am debating the possibility of opening up a can of worms by filing against brian's mother....

but anyway, long work hours comming up again this week, with me being the only water hauler its gonna be a long few weeks, no rigs or frack this week, but it is gonna hit me hard next week for sure... one of those take the bed roll weeks!!!

see you kids after that!!!