On The Road Again....
welp ken fans, after a really great trip to arkansas last week, and a rush trip to florida, leaving just in time for Katrina to destry the crap out of all the cool coastal rodas, i am haeded to the dreaded, and miserable place of flint michigan tomorrow, i swore when i left michigan last time i would never enter michigan in a truck again.... and now i am taking an over-size load and heading there via oklahoma!
so, you kids be kind, and let your helping thoughts go out to all those displaced by ANY factor, not just Katrina, but think about all those people that have lived with no home for a lot longer than the hurricane victims, every morning i go to work i see a guy that is homeless, he lives under a bridge at interstate 20, with his 3 dogs, and where is the help for him... anyway, there are a lot of people out there that could use some help, not just those that get on tv shouting "where is our help" and taking shots at those trying to help them....
have fun all, see you kids when i get back, and to my family, i love you all, and had a great weekend with you all, and especially my big bro he fixed his famous porkchops, man, you talk about some good grub, that boy can cook now!!!!.....,chrissy, and my little brian, i love you both, and keep up the good work in school boo!!!!!!
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