Sunday, January 08, 2006

Good Morning World....

welp, here we are again in bloger world, and welcome again to my ranting page...

well, i finally did it, i filled up my xm-radio family plan, i got one of the neet delphy roady xt, this thing is tiny, and has a lot of really col features, i think i like it even better than my jensen i put in the big truck, dont have as much info on screen as the jensen, but it has really neat back light colors, and i think the fm-modulator sounds even better, and seems to have a little stronger transmitter, so now i have an xm for james, chrissy, my pickup, my shop and my big truck... what do you think guys, you think i am xm- crazy?

lets see, the first is $9.99 a month, and each of the others are $6.99 a month.. thats what about $37.95 a month.... hahahahaha, but what better way to blow $40 bucks a month... oh, and i also got a new sony handycam, 8mm digital cam-corder, but its only rented, like my laptop.. thank goodness for rent-a-center, now i have a decent laptop, and cam-corder, and a washer and dryer... and at $80 bucks a week that shit better be fun... probably going to play with the cam for a few week then take it back though... and probably going to cut off at least one of the xm's, chrissy didnt really sound enthused when i told her i had gotten a cam and a new xm... but heck, long as my job holds out i can EASILY afford it....lets figure this up real quick....ok, rentals come to about $80 bucks a week, 4 weeks in the month, thats about $320 a month, and $37.50 a month for everyones xm.. brings me to $357.50... sounds like a lot.. but you figure i make around $800 to $1000 gross every week, thats about 900 average, over 4 weeks is what.. bout $3600 a month(oh shit, thats over $40,000 a year!!!)... now, i have $3600 minus the $357.50, and minus the $360.00 for child support.. thats $2882.50... and take out taxes, thats still leaves me with a decent little chunk of change to go to harbor freight with... hahahahahahahahah.... REMEMBER.. this is "Ken's WAY OF THE WORLD" not yours, i dont have to be reasonable or make any inkling of logic.. so after taxes and shit i probably clear over 2 g's a month or so... so i think i can afford a car payment up to about another $350 or $400 a month.. dont you?

sounds like its time for ken to start looking at new vehicles... hehehehe.... mustang may have to be in my future... can you carry a bunch of tools in a mustang?

dont know yet but might be fun to find out.... maybe i better stick with a pickup, and just get one with a bigger cab, and an automatic tranny... ha!

have a great day everyone, see you kids next time!