Thursday, May 12, 2005

new friends, hard work and a hurt hand!!

good evening all, nice of you to join me tonight, welp firend and family >> HI BIG BRO<<< i have put in the longest day so far with my new employment, and have made new friends, the 4 legged variety,
lets start by saying it is 9 pm and i started my day at 6 am, sharp, drive just under 100 miles to a drilling mud plant south of pecos texas, home of the judge roy bean museum, if you ever want to go to pecos you should check it out, anyway, i was to deliver loads of drilling mud, what they do with drilling mud i havent the foggiest, so, dont ask me!...

anyway i load my truck with 40,600 pounds of drilling mud and i am off to rig number 141 with a local drilling company here in odessa, the rig is said to be 6 miles east of the tiny town of mentone texas, well, after a while of searching it is fount to be in a totally different county, it is actually 17 miles from mentone, no big deal, nothing i cant handle, so i make 3 uneventful trips between mentone and pecos,
on the last trip my boss ,makes a frantic call for me to scoot to north of andrews texas, to one of my most favorite drilling locations, where it takes a long time to load and there is usually no one around, and it is probably one of the most peaceful areas around,
there are 4 or 5 locations in the same small area, and they are just teaming with wildlife, well, i get to 1-3 location, about 2 miles from the nearest blacktop, and i come on this gent with a pair of binoculars, i introduce myself and he then tells me to "check this out" so i look and low and behold there are a family of some type of wild cats, much bigger than a normal house cat, i think they must have been bob-cats, according to the pumper this family has lived in this area for a few years now, and have had 3 litters of babies that he knows of, my wife would have loved it, she would have had me out there chasing the darn things,
"can you catch me one?" yea... NOT,
i asked the pumper how close he has gotten to them and the 300 or so yards has been the closest he has ever tried, thats was really cool, then back to work, there is 2 locations that need to be drained of the brine water, or salt water, and need to go to the new location that is operating, well, this should take all night, so i look at my time piece and it is about 2 pm, so its time for a sandwitch and some chips, and top it off with a pepsi, >> THANKS CHRISSY<<< so, after 4 or 5 loads it is time to start shutting things down, as i am gathering my stuff i notice a rock seems to be moving across the location i am at,
a rather larg rock i might add, well, a very, very large desert tortus is making his way under my truck!,
so you know i have to play with him, you know i have to, this poor desert tortus is injured in his shell, it looks like he may have been partially run over, so i remember reading that a good thing to do to an injured shell is to clean it and put some type of protectant on it, well, i have a bottle of water and a rag handy, so i pick this little guy up and put him in the railing on my trailer, where i store my hoses, and he is very old, his little face looks like a little old man from the days when mom was a nurse at the crockett county care center, and his shell has had a lot of hard miles, so i clean him up, and i paint him with water based marking paint, non-toxic of course, and put him down with some bread from my sandwitch, and he just sits there looking at me after he takes a bite, like,
" well, where is the rest of it...."
it was very funny, so i took him about 100 yards from the road and release him back to do what ever it is a tortus does, and load my stuff , well, as i am trying to get my unloading hoses rounded up the drillers at the site decide to turn on some kind of a air burst drain, and it takes the 3-1/2 inch hose and rips it from my hands, now i have my pointing and middle finger wrapped with paper-towl and electrical tape, the flanges on my hoses ripped right through the cheap cotton gloves the boss buys us to use, so i finish loading my stuff up and come home to tell you all about it, what a long day it has been, but it was fun, i put in over 500 miles total today and went 3 hours over my regulated driving time, so i am going to run clean up, eat a reeses, pop a pepsi, and see whats on the tv before i drift off to sleep to do it again in the same place tomorrow, good night everyone, and i hope tomorrow is a great day for all!

p.s. dont forget you can leave comments if there is actually anyone reading this!!!